Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Planned Parenthood

Good news. Sweetness just announced to me that he was ready to have another baby!

Well that’s not exactly the way it went.

It was more like, “Since you’ve stopped pestering me about it, I guess I’m kinda okay with us having another kid now.”

You see why I refer to him as Sweetness. His way with words always gives me butterflies.

Regardless, I’m really excited about the idea of a new addition to our little clan. I’m nervous too, especially because this is the first time we’ll actually plan for a baby.

Baby Graves numero uno, as much as we absolutely adore him, was a bit of a surprise for us. Sweetness and I had been dating for a little over a year when the following series of events took place over the course of a few days:

1. Phone conversation with B/F/F.
Me: “Girl, I’m late. I hope I’m not pregnant.”
B/F/F: “I hope you’re not either and uuuhhh, you need to keep them legs closed.”
Me: “Shut up! If I don’t start by this weekend, we’re going to get a pregnancy test.”

2. Discovery of a peculiar cluster of tiny bumps on the right side of my face.

3. Trip to Wal-Mart in ravenous pursuit of Cheez-Its and lemon-lime Gatorade.

4. Sweetness and I purchase pregnancy test that produced a blue plus sign faster than I could say, “please God don’t let my life as a swinging single without a care in the world end like this….I mean …I still have more margaritas to drink, more impromptu trips to Mexico to go on, more utter and extreme selfishness to indulge in.”

And with that, my dad produced a 12-guage and we set a date.

My poor parents. Bless their wholesome hearts. So much hard work put into keeping us kids on the straight and narrow and now they were walking the one determined to break all the rules down the aisle for the second time, and with a bun in the oven to boot.

It was actually more like a stroll into their living room. That’s where our nuptials took place. My mom turned her living room into a candlelit chapel and her dining room into a beautiful reception hall for all seven of our guests. I wore this white sundress I’d bought the summer before at Ross for $14.99. Most of the time I’d worn it with flip-flops, but that day I dressed it up with copper-colored heels and a necklace.

I got dressed in my car outside of my parents' house since I was in a hurry and I didn’t want my groom to have to wait a minute longer for his bride…and his baby.

June 16, 2007 Sweetness and me in my parents' kitchen on our wedding day. Notice the hint of baby bump under the belt I’m wearing.

The entire affair was intimate and cozy and filled with lots of love. I don’t think there’s a day that goes by that I don’t think about how awesome our wedding day was. It was my best wedding so far, I like to tell Sweetness.

Now I’m actually starting to wonder if planning for a baby is as wonderful and rewarding as being surprised with one…we’ll soon see.


  1. good post, but are you really supposed to give away Ross/TJ Maxx secrets?

  2. Awwww...now that was the best story ever. I had no idea that is how things went down. LOL Well, we were "surprised" too and I adore my baby girl soooo much! You are going to be excited for the second baby, especially since you know what to expect. I am happy for you and "Sweetness"...now GET TO WORK ON MAKING THAT BABY! LOL

  3. Our Izzy was a surprise too! We had only been married a little over a year and had BIG plans to rock the DINK lifestyle. Well, so much for that ;-) But, yes, it's really hard to PLAN for a 2nd when the first one goes down like that! I have a stinking kindergartner and I still can't make up my dang mind about a 2nd! If only you'd move back to Austin and we could get fat together!

  4. Good story! Love learning more about you every other day lol. You sound like my kinda girl. As you know we just welcomed our second surprise (lol), and with all the unfinished business we still have going on, it is nice to be able to plan for one. That way you can make sure all of your ducks are in a row.

  5. Is it okay with Aaron if I call him "Sweetness"?
