Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

I know I’m a little early, but this is an effort to get out in front of my personal challenges:

So, this is only the second time in my life that I’ve contemplated writing New Year resolutions. Honestly, I really don’t understand the point in calling particular attention to everything that I don’t make happen, follow-through with or change over the course of an entire year. I’m keenly aware of these things on a daily basis and don’t need additional reminders. But since it’ll be a new decade, and I really do have a few things that I’d like to see happen with me in 2010, I figure I should give it the old college try and see if it helps.

I thought I should start with little stuff and not give myself anything too challenging… wouldn’t want to exacerbate my already debilitating fear of failure. And not to overwhelm me, instead of resolutions, it’s a list of “I’ll trys...”

STEPHANIE’S 2010 “I’M GOING TO TRY” LIST, Plus Two Definites

1. I’m going to try to only prepare fresh green beans. This means snapping and steaming about three to four times per week. (That’s roughly how many times canned green beans show up on the Graves’ weekly menu.) Fresh steamed ones are healthier and much more nutritious. Plus, I tell Zach to eat his “little sticks” and he gobbles them up like candy. Smart mom points for me!

2. I’m going to try to floss my teeth at least twice a day. I HATE flossing, but ever since I heard about the connection between plaque on your teeth and plaque in your arteries, I figure I’d better get with the program, lest I die of a tartar induced heart attack. Furthermore, I’m really tired of the loser feeling I get whenever my hygienist asks me how often I’m flossing. No more fudging…

3. I’m going to try to limit my reality show intake to about three shows per week. (This one may be difficult considering next year’s reality line up which includes Michael Irvin’s new show and American Idol with Ellen as a judge…precisely why this is an “I’m going to try” list.)

4. I’m going to try to make and give birth to another kid. (With the help of Sweetness, of course.)

5. I’m going to try to read at least one book of substance per quarter. Magazines ≠ Books.

6. I will commit to working in the ESL ministry at our new church. I’ve already been to one class. There was a sweet Vietnamese couple, Hop and Heing, who showed on my first day. They’ve only been in the U.S. since June and they’re eager to learn the language. I had a great time teaching them English basics like, “this” and “that” and “clock” and “umbrella”. There’s also a Polish lady. In Poland, her name is Irena…here, she goes by Irene. When I showed her a flash card with a picture of a star on it, and pronounced “staaarrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhh” for her, she parroted me, “staaarrrrrggghhhh.” And then in her thick, Polish accent told me I talked like a Texan. Nice…

7. I’m going to try to always be pleasant and smiling when Sweetness gets home from work. And try to have a little blush and lip gloss on too.

8. I’m going to try to have Zach fully potty trained by the end of the year.

9. I will figure out how to block ESPN from our TV. (I swear if I have to spend another season listening to hour-after-hour of men in suits analyzing men in tights as if life itself depended on it, I am going to perish. I’m in SportsCenter hell right now.)

And lastly,
10. I’m going to try to resist the urge to correct incorrect grammar. This is a grand personality flaw of mine. Luckily, most of my friends have not abandoned me for it. I hope they understand it’s all in language love. But it just drives me bananas when people, good people, say things like fuss-strated, instead of frustrated, or volumptuous, instead of voluptuous. That word really doesn’t need any additional “lump” added to it. And I could go on. I know…isn’t it an ugly vice? I’ve got to stop it.

I’m sure there are a million other things I should try to tackle, like dealing with my crack-like addiction to celebrity gossip and eavesdropping on the conversations of people around me. Would you believe I’ve actually gotten pretty good at reading lips? It’s a shame, I know. But honestly, I don’t see either one of those things coming to an end anytime soon, so I’m not going to even set myself up.

I’ll revisit my “I’ll try” list mid-year and see where I am…wish me luck and Happy New Year!


  1. I'll try to not visit, a. b/c it turns my brain into unproductive mush and b. b/c i can only take so much, "nuhhh uhhh, y'all besta get in here and see what beyonce wore last night"

  2. RE: #10.. can we start a club called GCA - Grammar Correctors Anonymous? I have the same problem, but I just can't let it go.. I think it's OCD related - like not dotting and "I" or crossing a "T." I can't help myself and I know my friends want to punch my lights out.
