ABC’s Nightline ran a story the other night about how 42 percent of black women are single and have never been married. According to the report, that’s double the number of their white counterparts. I have exactly one million things to say about this subject, but I can’t even begin to touch on all of them. I will, however, take this opportunity to blog about one little tiny aspect of the situation that I think demands commentary. And that is the black woman’s approach to dating.
First, there is no such thing as a black girl curse as one of the women in the Nightline piece says. Trust me, if you’re walking around thinking that some kind of curse is preventing you from snagging a man, then your attitude, demeanor and body language is going to reflect that.
I’ve never subscribed to the notion that there are no good black men. In fact, I believe the exact opposite. There are tons of good black men out there. There are plenty that are marriage material too. It’s astonishing how often I hear women say that all the good men are gone and all black men are dogs. This is a lie from the pit of hell and if you choose to believe it, you’re doing yourself and black men a great disservice.
The issue is not a shortage of good black men, the issue, I would argue, is your ability to snag one of the good ones.
If marriage is not high on your priority list then read no further, but if you’re frustrated with being single here are a few tactics you should try. (Of course I’m the expert because not only have I spent a good portion of my adult life single, I’ve been married to two black men; happily to the second one. AND I’ve had two or three almost proposals by black men, and all of them were fairly decent guys. So listen to me. I can help you.)
Move through your day-to-day life with a happy, positive effervescence and glow. Friends, I’m going to be really honest with you. I don’t believe there’s such a thing as the black girl curse, but I do believe there is a black girl attitude that NEEDS TO GO! I’m generalizing, so don’t get mad at me if this doesn’t apply to you, but we all know that black women are good for walking around looking pissed off all the time. Smile, get that scowl off of your face. It’s not attractive. In fact, it’s downright scary. Unfold your arms. Walk around with an air of happiness and excitement to be one of God’s creations. Stop looking like you’re about to curse somebody out for speaking to you. It’s not cute, nor is it attractive to men. Remember men have fragile egos. They don’t like being rejected. If men don’t talk to you, maybe you look like you don’t want to be talked to. You have to give men the green light. Say hello, look approachable. You know why so many black men date white women? Because white girls are nice! They’re friendly... Black women on the other hand, well, half the time we look like we never had a happy day in our lives. We know it’s not true so don’t be afraid to show off the happy you. It looks good!
Live life well. Have a good time while you’re single. You’ll never have the kind of freedom you have when you’re single once you’ve married. Travel. Move to New York, then Milan, then back home…do it all! Party it up with your girlfriends. I’m telling you, if you’re out having a good time with your girls, and not spending the whole evening focusing on what dudes are there and if your potential husband is in the room, then you’re going to be more attractive to men. Men are competitive by nature. They like to hunt unsuspecting prey. Even if you have to fake it, immerse yourself in your good time with your friends and I guarantee someone from afar will be noticing how pretty you are when you laugh or how you’re able to captivate your audience with your extraordinary storytelling. Also, be sure to hang out with other happy black chicks. There's nothing uglier than a table full of mean looking women drinking strawberry daiquiris. Women who look like they’re on the prowl, OR mad at the world, are not as attractive as women who are just out having fun and enjoying life. Good men like secure, cheerful women.
Look Good.Men are visual. We’re not going to change this, ladies. None of this is rocket science or unique to black women, but if you want to land a hubby, you need to look cute and have a sexiness about yourself when you’re out and about. I’m not saying you have to put on a full-face of make-up and get completely done up to go to the grocery store, but you can pull together a nice, easy ponytail and a little bit of lip gloss. Pull your shoulders back when you walk. Add a cute little bounce to your step. Something, anything that appeals to men’s visual-ness. Make eye contact, smile…these things are little, but go along way. I’m sorry, unless you look like Halle Berry or Angelina Jolie or one of the other most beautiful women in the world, men aren’t going to approach you if you look a mess. They’re just not.
Chill Out.When you meet a guy you like…be easy…chill out…don’t play all your cards at once. If you’re an emotional basket case, have tons of baggage and are extremely needy, you need to hold it all in until after you’re married. If you don’t, you’re going to scare him away. You need to come off as sane as possible. Men can’t handle too much emotion, too early. If Sweetness--God love him--knew the extent of my issues before we got married, well, let’s just say I don’t know if he would’ve had my hand. If anyone knew the extent of their spouse’s issues, I don’t think anybody would get married. Anyway, show off your positive traits so that when the negative ones come to light, he’ll already be in love. If he’s a good, mature man you guys can work through your issues together. (Note: Keep in mind, you don’t need to get married, let alone be dating, if you’re too screwed up. There’s a maximum level of screwed-upness that a marriage can tolerate, beyond that, it’s probably not a good idea for you to try to get hitched until you’ve gotten your issues worked out with a professional. I have a great therapist if you need her number.)
Be the kind of girl a guy could see himself married to – this involves a little trickery.Again, this means being really cool. It actually may require a little acting. Basically, a guy wants a girl that’s kind of like his guy friends, but prettier and sexier. What this means for you is that you are relatively low-maintenance. You’re interested in him, but not overly-so. You need to have your own things going. Have your own career and goals, but call on him every now and then to help you out. (You may not need it, but it makes them feel good so just do it.) This may fly in the face of our “strong black woman” mantra, but it’s okay for the strong black woman to be a delicate flower sometimes. It’s okay to show some vulnerability. The key is finding the balance between being a little vulnerable and not being too needy. Also, help him out in areas where men feel like they are the weakest, like relationships. I once had a suitor who thought I was the “one” because I helped him think through life-long issues he’d had with his mother. For him, it was a big deal, but as women, we know we have these types of conversations with our girlfriends once a week. No big deal. Oh, and you need to watch a little football too. Case-in-point: When Sweetness and I were dating, I initiated Operation Monday Night Football. I would take lemon pepper wings from Wing Stop over to his apartment on Mondays at 8 p.m. and we’d watch football together. Wear something cute every time you do this. You want to make him believe that for the rest of his life, he’ll be able to eat wings and watch football with a warm bundle of sexiness at his side. No man can resist this and he will marry you if he believes this is what his life will be like with you.
Touch down!
Like I said, there are a million other things to be considered, so I don’t mean to imply that my guerrilla dating tactics are an exact science. I just can’t cover everything here. For example, we could talk about the good guys who just aren’t ready to be married…move on, don’t waste your time with them. We could also tackle the subject of raising and lowering standards, and how if a brother looks good, has the right degrees, the right watch and the right shoes, you would sacrifice your first born for him. But if another guy lacks swagger and is too in to you, you’re not feeling him, when in all actuality, he’s the dude you need to be trying to marry; somebody that’ll treat you right. We could also talk about the women that have no trouble attracting men, but can never land one. And most importantly, we could have a discussion about what marriage is actually like. And trust me, if we had a real honest conversation about that, you might not want to employ my guerrilla tactics at all.
Until next time…