Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is Number One

I'm blogging because
a.) what else do people who think they can write do when they need to feel meaningful
b.) it's easy to get a blogspot; hard to get on at D mag or the Dallas Observer
c.) my peeps long to hear about how much I dislike and totally adore my guy friend-turned-husband
d.) said peeps also crave more than just my Facebook status updates about additions to my 2-year-old's vocabulary. OR, my fear that he's going to start kindergarten in a Pull-Up because my own fear of failure has prevented me from starting the potty-training process
d.) this could lead to a reality show

Bios are boring. Plus who cares about the tier 2 college I went to for undergrad, or how long I've worked as a "PR Practitioner" or what I enjoy doing in my spare time. However, if you do happen to care, in my spare time I like to wonder about how much I might get done if I was really productive during my time of obligation.

But since I really do have an interest in people's backgrounds, I'll assume you may as well. So here's my bio, the quick and dirty (mostly dirty) version:

Born>Schooled>Married>Divorced>Moved>Lived>Married>Kid, oops... *CORRECTION*
Pregnant> Married>Kid>Blog

So, I'm here because I got a lot of things swirling around in my pretty little head, which will be especially pretty on Thursday after I get a faux-hawk! Yeah! Exciting! I know, right!? I was thinking I could also start a blog called "Mommy has a Mohawk" and it'll be a support group for kids whose moms can't let go of their youth. Zach's post: "My mom tries so hard. Everybody knows she's 'up in' her thirties..." Ok, bad idea. Can't have my business out in the street like that...

So, I'm writing because like I said, I got a lot of things to share--opinions, rants, news and information and such. And things that happen in my world that I think--hope-- happen to other people too. You know, I reeeaaaally hope other folks can relate to some of my stuff. I don't want to be crazy all by myself. Seriously, if you can relate, can I get an Amen every now and then? ....just for validation. C'mon, if you cursed your husband out on your way to dinner the other night too, don't just sit there and let me look like the only angry woman who takes out past pain on current lover. Ok? We can work on solutions together...hell, I didn't mean to curse him out! And trust me...we made up. Didn't we, baby?

The truth is, it's scary to be honest about life and all of its goodness and badness. But I'll take a stab at it and see if in the end I feel a little more meaninful and/or land a reality show.


  1. i'm looking fwd to seeing this faux hawk

  2. Stephanie, I know you like writing but it is too much info and I hope I never hear you cussing my son-in-law out or anyone for that matter!


  3. This is great! I was just thinking to myself that I needed to get to know my new, not so new family better. We really only get together around the holidays, and I don't know much, really anything about yall. And I love the brutal honesty. It's so refreshing! I feel like I'm the only one like that...
